Call for Papers: SUKOL - NBR konferenssi 25.-26.4.2025, Helsinki

Tiedoksenne kevään 2025 SUKOL - NBR konferenssin Call for papers


Call for Papers

The FIPLV-NBR Conference Languages Mediating Culture and Mutual Understanding April 25–26, 2025, Helsinki, Finland

The main language of communication will be English but there will be presentations in other languages as well. The programme will open and close with a plenary lecture. During the day, numerous parallel sessions will operate simultaneously. Suggestions for outstanding speakers are still welcomed (send to


September 30 – Last day for submitting abstracts ( / Subject: NBR abstract)

October 30 – Last day for notification of acceptance

December 1 – Draft programme ready / Registration begins / Practical details

February 15 – Final programme / Practical details

April 25–26 – Conference dates: April 25 school visits and an evening event, April 26 plenaries and parallel sessions


Proposals for presentations should be submitted prior to September 30, 2024. Please include: Name, affiliation, title and language of communication, followed by a short description of content. Maximum 300 words. Please send to: / Subject: NBR abstract.

The board of Nordic-Baltic Region of FIPLV will offer six individual travel awards of 100 euros per applicant to support FIPLV members residing outside Finland who wish to participate and who plan to present a paper at the NBR Conference in Helsinki. If all six travel awards are not  granted to persons presenting a paper, they can be granted to NBR members residing outside Finland and enrolled to attend the conference. The travel awards recipients will be informed by January 31st, 2025.

Regarding the main theme and topics of interest:

The main theme of the conference will be Languages Mediating Culture and Mutual Understanding. Languages play a crucial role in mediating culture and facilitating mutual understanding among people.

Topics of interest include:

  • Languages Connecting Cultures
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Language Teaching
  • Robot Assisted Language Learning / Using Social Robots for Language Teaching and Learning
  • How Can Language Teachers Contribute to Society, Community and/or Humanity?
  • What Are the Roles of Systematic Language Learning and Teaching?
  • Means to Promote Language Learning and Cultural Literacy?
  • Teaching Languages: How / to Whom / Where and When?

The conference will give teachers of languages and others interested in its theme an opportunity to simultaneously evaluate the past, re-evaluate the present and consider the role of languages in mediating culture and mutual understanding – keeping the Baltic and Nordic educational systems in mind.


Yt.  Outi Vilkuna

puheenjohtaja / ordförande / Chair

Suomen kieltenopettajien liitto SUKOL ry

The Federation of Foreign Language Teachers in Finland SUKOL