Online seminar: Assessment and learning in CLIL: Where are we now and where are we going? 8.3.2021
- Online seminar: Assessment and learning in CLIL: Where are we now and where are we going? 8.3.2021
- 2021-03-08T11:30:00+02:00
- 2021-03-08T15:00:00+02:00
- Mitä 1englanti
- Milloin 08.03.2021 klo 11.30–15.00 (Europe/Helsinki / UTC200)
Lisää tapahtuma kalenteriin
Dear colleague!
You are cordially invited to participate in an online seminar “Assessment and learning in CLIL: Where are we now and where are we going?” on March 8, 2021, starting at 11.30 GMT+2 (Eastern European Time). The duration of the seminar will be 3.5 hours.
The seminar is devoted to classroom assessment promoting learning in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Our goal is to bring together CLIL teachers, educators, and researchers to discuss and share their expertise, practices, and vision in teaching, learning, and assessment in CLIL classrooms. The seminar is connected to a recently published edited volume “Assessment and Learning in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms” which was a result of collaboration between CLIL researchers, educators, teachers, and assessment experts from around the world.
We aim at expanding on the topics of teaching, learning, and assessment in CLIL, building on expertise of all of the participants to inspire further development of our understanding of teaching, learning, and assessment relationships in CLIL classrooms and at starting new productive collaborations.
Please register by following this link:
Registration closes March 3, at 16:00 GMT+2
The seminar programme:
Mark deBoer and Dr. Dmitri Leontjev (10 minutes)
Dr. Peeter Mehisto:
Myopic efficiency and accountability versus assessment for learning: An analysis based on the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 (20 minutes)
Ten-minute talks by volume contributors:
Dr. Stuart Shaw (10 minutes)
Dr. Alexander Nanni (10 minutes)
Dr. Hidetoshi Saito (10 minutes)
Dr. Teppo Jakonen and Dr. Dmitri Leontjev (10 minutes)
Break: (20 minutes)
Q&A and discussion (30 minutes)
Break: (15 minutes)
Small-group discussions: (45 minutes)
- Assessing academic language proficiency
- ‘Guide on the side’ or ‘Sage on the stage’? – orchestrating a CLIL classroom
- Assessment in CLIL to promote learning (assessing the learning process in CLIL)
Discussion of the main takeaways: (15 minutes)
Wrap-up (15 minutes)
Please write to us should you have any questions.
Welcome to the seminar!
Mark deBoer: markdb(at)
Dmitri Leontjev: dmitri.leontjev(at)